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Raise again and again

Posted by
Samaneh (Tehran, Iran) on 22 August 2019 in Plant & Nature.

raise up from your ashes . . .
scientifically nothing dies , they only turn into something else . . .
spiritually its about raising from your ashes . . .
mentally : more capabilities , the pain is incredible but its you making the decision what to make out of it . . .
definitely your choice is becoming Great, more capabilities . . .

the point is :
to get where our power lies and how do we school ourselves to use it in the service of what we believe .

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

That´s the thinking behind the story of the Phoenix out of ashes. And even our modern science also knows that energy is not lost and just change their forms. Everything is Panta Rhei. Specially minds at looking in comfortable burning camp fires :)

22 Aug 2019 7:50am

omid from mashhad, Iran

چه تصویر دردناکی
خوبه که زیرنویسش امیدبخشه

22 Aug 2019 6:21pm

@omid: یه نظر دردناک میاد شاید
اما در حقیقت زیبایی محضِ
چون میره مرحله جدیدی از
بدرستی و بشایستگی موثر بودن . . .

Existence Artistique from Angers, France


22 Aug 2019 7:11pm