0C050D | 433A3B | 47331B | 605951 | 6A4B1F | 8C6427 | A38B71 | EDFFFF |
Narges Park , Damn Tehransar !
raining .
photographer : unknown ,
what can i say ? complain ?? no , definitely not . it was supposed to happen much earlier . . . and i always win . . .
yes , its not posted out of greatness , beauty or whatever . . .
just a night to remember anything you are supposed to do , do it right now otherwise . . . .
nevermind , all matters is that i always win . . .
there are two groups of people :
1. those having good goals with only one way to get it . . . .
2. those having good goals with one hundred ways to get it . . .
which one you think you are ?
the affirmative sentence :
when you see something can be done , do/be it Exactly , whatever it takes . . . .Be Crazy , Be High ,Be Great , Be Simple (two last one is by HapPy:) )
@omid: سلام
اِااِ مگه ثبت میشه که عکس گذاشتم و برداشتم ؟!؟!؟
طیف رنگهاشو میخواستم ، ایینجا فقط نشون میده .بعدش برداشتم عکس رو .
( اینجا از اون گُل سبز های تو تلگرام نداره ولی فرض کنین ته جمله م دو تا از اون گُل سبزهای توتلگرام گذاشتم )
@omid: عجب !
کدوم کیبورد داره این گل ها رو ؟؟
Microsoft Lumia 950 Dual SIM
1/8 second
ISO 640
0 mm